Mid-Term Blues

It's February, and while it's usually thought of as the month of love (ahem, Valentine's day specifically), it's also thought of as the dreaded month of MID-TERMS. Cue the dramatic music. But fret (or fear) not! At SLDP, we're committed to help you get through it all, including preparing for those mid-terms.

Tip #1: Plan Ahead
It's so imperative that you make use of your agenda, (or wall calendar, which is what I use personally) and schedule dates with yourself to study for specific exams or tests. Set aside appointments with yourself to study for courses chronologically based on when exams are.

Tip #2: Prioritize
Prioritize which exams need the most attention and time. The courses that you seem to struggle with the most need your attention the most. Also, when studying consider studying the sections that you find most difficult first.

Tip #3: Take Breaks
I always advise my friends to never study for hours on end. Simply put, your brain will fry out. Studying after your brain has already gone to sleep is so ineffective that it is seriously a waste of valuable time. Do not hesitate to take 15 to 20 minutes and rest your brain for a bit. Go outside and take a walk or have a snack. Refresh your mind so that it's rejuvenated for more studying.

Tip #4: Take Workshops that Hone Studying Skills
The Learning Skills Workshops under Counselling & Disability Services are there to help you successfully complete your academic year. They include workshops on time management, exam preparation, and how to write better. Take advantage of them and use all of York's services to the fullest. Visit the Learning Skills Web site today to reserve your spot!

Tip #5: Manage Your Stress
Make sure that on top of taking breaks, you check yourself for stress. Stress can actually be a hindering factor in your studying and success on tests. The more stressed you are, the less likely you will be able to understand and grasp concepts concretely, thus hindering your chances come test time. If you are not sure how to do this, Student Leadership & Development Program offers a Stress Management workshop. Our next workshop on Stress Management is on March 4th (Thursday, from 5 to 6:30 PM at the Ross South Building, room 501.)

I hope my tips help, and that you survive the Mid-Term Blues!
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