Friend or Foe: The Importance of Cooperation Workshop Review

Can many hands really make work lighter?

Ever wondered why professors and other successful people always tell you to “get to know others” and to “build a network”? Why exactly is “cooperation” important?

A common definition that you can find in a dictionary for “cooperation” is: “an act or instance of working or acting together for a common purpose or benefit; joint action.”

Your life and your decisions are in your hands, why is it so important to work with other people “for a common purpose”? Can’t you just survive on your own? You hear success stories about people making millions from nothing or pro athletes coming out of the prairies with little access to sport facilities.

Quite often the small details add up to make up a large picture that makes a significant impact on our everyday lives. In the “Friend or Foe” session, host Kevin talks about the importance of cooperation and the small points that accumulate into a larger picture as previously described. The session is very fun in unique way that completely changed and reconstructed everybody’s view on teamwork.

Coaches praise teamwork as an important strategy in sports. However Kevin argues that it’s just as important in real life. Check the calendar to register for his future sessions:

Review by Artur.

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